Astronaut training board

December 26, 2023
ATV OBT on board the ISS
Astronaut training is a sensory integrative protocol that is specifically designed to stimulate and integrate the vestibular, auditory and visual systems. The protocol should only be implemented by a trained therapist with fundamental understanding in sensory integration. It can then be carried out by a parent/caregiver once trained. At Khushi, we may use this protocol as part of our comprehensive treatment plan. This may occur during our treatment session or as part of your child's home program. Astronaut Training is started under the supervision of a trained therapist with special equipment, including an astronaut board, visual targets, and synthesized music. Participants are positioned precisely on specialised equipment, and then rotated in time with music. It looks benign, but feels like riding a rollercoaster! Following the rotation, participants complete a series of vision exercises. The entire process takes about 15 minutes each time, and is followed up with other fun activities for vestibular activation. Astronaut Training is helpful for children with ASD, with sensory issues, balance and coordination disorders. Khushi is one of the few therapy centres in India to use the Astronaut training program as a part of a comprehensive treatment plan for children with developmental disabilities or children with autism.
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