My kids have been interested in all things space-related in recent months. Astronauts, rockets, stars, planets, the moon. . . you name it and we have been learning about it.
To celebrate children’s love of all things space, I have created an Astronaut Do-a-Dot Printables Pack for your little ones. I hope they will imagine their own outer space journeys as they work on the do-a-dot worksheets included in this pack.

My Astronaut Do-a-Dot Printables pack contains 18 pages of astronaut do-a-dot worksheets. As kids complete these worksheets, they will work on one-to-one correspondence, shapes, colors, patterning, letters, and numbers.
The activities in my Astronaut Do-a-Dot Printables pack are designed to be completed using .
The thick size of makes them easy for little hands to grasp, so are wonderful for young children who have not yet developed the fine motor skills to use a pencil or crayon. However, can certainly be enjoyed by older kids as well.
And what if you do not own do-a-dot markers? Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to enjoy my Astronaut Do-a-Dot Printables without do-a-dot markers. In this post I’ve shared lots of ways to use do-a-dot printables to support your children’s learning, with plenty of ideas for kids from toddlers through elementary school.
Here is a sneak peak at the activities included in my Astronaut Do-a-Dot Printables pack:
The activities in this pack cover a range of skills, which means that these do-a-dot worksheets are likely to appeal to toddlers, preschoolers, and early elementary students. Plus, if you borrow some ideas from my post on 15+ ideas for using do-a-dot printables for learning, you may find ways to use these printables with even older kids!