Famous astronauts names

April 7, 2021
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This list of famous astronauts includes photos, bios, and other information, when available. Who are the top astronauts in the history of space travel? This list includes the most prominent astronauts, living and dead, both in the American space program and those of other countries. This list of notable astronauts is ordered by their level of prominence, and can be sorted for various bits of information, such as where these historic astronauts were born and what their nationality is.

No list of astronauts is complete without space travelers like Buzz Aldrin and Sally Ride - one of the most notable female astronaut names. Here, you'll also find astronaut pictures and all kinds of other astronaut information. You might even learn a few new astronaut names!

From reputable, prominent, and well known astronauts to the lesser known astronauts of today, these are some of the most famous American astronauts to ever fly in outer space. They're joined on this list by many foreign astronauts as well - and all have awesome astronaut images for your perusal.

Source: www.ranker.com
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