A space shuttle climbs high into the sky. Inside the shuttle, astronauts are on their way to learn more about space.
An astronaut is a person who goes into space.
Astronauts fly space shuttles. The space shuttles take off like a rocket. It lands like an airplane.
Excerpt from EXPLORING SPACE WITH AN ASTRONAUT Copyright 2004 Enslow Publishers, Inc.
Did I travel to space to write this book?
Unfortunately, no. But, if could have, I would have.Thats because with every non-fiction book (fiction book, too) that I write, I read everything that I can get my hands on and interview as many experts that I possibly can to become an expert myself on whatever I am writing about. Its that simple, and that difficult.
I believe that I owe this to my readers to write the very best book that I can write and to write a book thats never been written before! So, its my number one job to find out the most current, accurate, interesting, entertaining, and lesser-known facts (I call them gems) and then write what I have learned in the most lyrical, exciting, and accessible way that will move my readers to want to read even more about the topic.
In researching EXPLORING SPACE WITH AN ASTRONAUT, I found out some pretty crazy things about astronauts including how they sleep and use the bathroom in the shuttle. Youll have to read my book to find out what they are.
This engaging and fact filled book will launch kids on an adventure in space with a real astronaut crew.-Marianne J. Dyson, Science Consultant and former NASA Flight Controller
These books for new readers make science easy to read about and fun to explore!
-Allan A. De Fina, Ph.D, I Like Science Literacy Consultant, Past President of the New Jersey Reading Association, and Professor, Department of Literacy Education, New Jersey City University
"Informative, solid introductions. The unique feature of these beginning readers is the introduction of a scientist in each one . . . These titles combine an enticing layout with high-interest, easy-to-read texts to delight budding scientists."
-Library Media Connection, November/December 2004